Dear Longrich employees and global business partners, 送别我们殷实奋斗过的2015年,我们迎来了充满希望的2016年! We have worked hard and accomplished a lot in 2015. The year 2016 is full of bright hopes. 2015年,注定是隆力奇最不平凡的一年,隆力奇在全球经济下行的形势下逆势增长。我首先向隆力奇全球合作伙伴、全体隆力奇同仁,以及长期关心、支持隆力奇发展的社会各界人士表示诚挚的问候,祝愿你们在新的一年里好梦成真、吉祥如意、事业兴旺! The year 2015 is eventful for Longrich, which has witnessed Longrich continuous growth against global economy downtrend. Firstly, I would like to send my sincere wishes to Longrich employees, business partners as well as those who have been supporting and concerned about Longrich. I wish all of you prosperity, dream realization and all the best in the new year. 2015年4月21日,发现中国创造力——“活力中国·走进美丽工厂”在隆力奇启动。这缘于隆力奇在智能化工厂的发展上,前瞻性投入6亿元建造了目前国内最先进、国际一流的 “智能化新工厂。2015年11月,隆力奇积极推动中国制造2025工程,并与德国机械设备制造业联合会、中国工业和信息化部推动国内首家4.0项目试点。隆力奇用现有的模式在以后20年中,在中国西南、华北、广东、东南亚以及非洲、美洲,探索工业4.0智能化制造,隆力奇将通过输出供应链管理经验和技术,计划在全球完成10个智能化工厂的建设和投产。2015年12月21日,“科技成果转化支持实体经济创新发展研讨会”在北京全国政协礼堂隆重召开,隆力奇的科技成果转化经验得到了中央领导和社会各界的广泛赞誉,隆力奇是清华大学校企合作中唯一超过十年的企业。 On April 21, 2015, the opening ceremony of China creativity discovery (A Tour to Beautiful Factories of Vibrant China) was selectively launched in Longrich thanks to its magnificent 600milion-RMB intelligent factory. In November 2015, China Industry 4.0 First Pilot Project was successfully launched in Longrich through the joint efforts of Longrich, German Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing Association as well as Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the next 20 years, Longrich will apply its supply chain management experience and expertise to ten intelligent factories that will be built to Industry 4.0 Standard around the world including China, Southeast Asia, Africa, America, etc. On December 21, 2015, Longrich received widespread praise at China Economy Innovation and Development Conference from China high-rank officials for its successful commercialization of scientific research results. Longrich is the only company that has been in cooperation with Tsinghua University for over ten years. 隆力奇已走过30春秋,我们打造了最美总部、德国工业4.0在中国首家试点项目落户隆力奇、成立了全球八大研发中心、高起点整体服务解决方案提供商、打造了隆力奇七大业务领域、贯彻“一带一路”让我们创造奇迹、幸福·感恩·共赢·卓越、2016年隆力奇各大事业部活动、大会创意规划、十大资源优势为隆力奇第二个30年的开端奠定了腾飞的基础。 Over the past 30 years, Longrich has built a magnificent industrial park, eight R&D centers and seven business sectors. Longrich has become the home to China Industry 4.0 First Pilot Project and a high-caliber integrated solution provider. In pursuit of happiness, excellence and win-win results, Longrich will lay a solid foundation for another 30-year miraculous prosperity by taking some high-profile measures such as Belt and Road Strategy, Innovative Conference Planning, Ten Resources Advantages Integration, etc. 在国际市场上,隆力奇通过品牌的经营和OEM/ODM代工,产品远销全球60多个国家和地区。到2015年底,隆力奇已在海外30个国家和地区设有分公司和经销商,下一步将在“一带一路”65个国家拓展业务 ,到2017年底完成覆盖,到2020年完成100个国家的业务覆盖,进一步扩大市场规模。 Longrich has sold its products to over 60 countries and regions through brand management, OEM/ODM, etc. By the end of 2015, Longrich has established branch offices in over 30 countries and regions. Longrich Belt and Road Strategy will expand its business coverage to 65 countries by 2017 and to100 countries by 2020. 亲爱的隆力奇全球合作伙伴、公司全体同仁:在即将到来的2016年,隆力奇将继续创新发展,走实体经济道路,深化服务,更好地履行为全球家庭提供健康美丽的生活方式!祝各位新年快乐、万事如意! Dear Longrich employees and business partners, in 2016, Longrich will continue its way of innovation and development and keep improving its service so as to fulfill its commitment to a healthy and beautiful lifestyle. I’d like to avail myself of this opportunity to wish you happiness and all the best in the new year.▲ (原标题:徐之伟新年贺词 隆力奇2015年逆势增长) 责任编辑:言无忌 解读新闻热点、呈现敏感事件、更多独家分析,尽在“直事儿”微信,扫描二维码免费阅读。